Barons perchés __ June 30rd. MPTA - Mathurin Bolze

Circus - France

  • Barons perchés  __ June 30rd

Thursday June 30rd

Le Firmament
2, rue Dorian Firminy

Creation 2015
For all audience / 8 ys +

Rates : 14€ - 10€

Bachir, lonesome heroe is joined by his twin played by Mathurin Bolze. Like a shadow, he copies his moves and escapes sometimes.

Falls, jumps and moves become a true aerial dance. A vertigo poetry in which walls become ground.

«  Mathurin Bolze found his twin. Inspired, both artists explore the world with head over feet, in an elegant dance-pursui t  » Télérama 

Conception: Mathurin Bolze. By and with : Karim Messaoudi & Mathurin Bolze. Scenography : Goury. Lighting : Christian Dubet, Jérémie Cusenier. Sound : Jérome Fèvre. Régies : Frédéric Marolleau, Nicolas Julliand Artistic coordination : Marion Floras.
Production: MPTA Company. With the exceptional support of the convention French Institute-Lyon City. The company has a convention with DRAC and Rhône Alpes region and is supported by Lyon City and French Institute for international touring.